Tang Soo Do History

Tang Soo Do is a relatively modern martial art based on the Korean art of Soo Bahk Do, which has existed for many centuries. Soo Bahk originated during the Silla Dynasty (618 to 935 A.D.) “Tang Soo Do” translates to mean “Way of the China hand”. “Tang” represents the Tang Dynasty of China. “Soo” means hand and “Do” is a way or system.

The late Hwang Kee, founder of Tang Soo Do, mastered Soo Bahk Do and Tae Kyun, a Korean system known for its powerful kicks.  In 1936 he traveled to Northern China where he encountered a martial arts style called the Tang Method. From 1936 to 1945 he combined the techniques of Soo Bahk Do with those of the Tang Method and developed Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do. It was officially registered in Korea on November 9, 1945 as the Korean Soo Bahk Do Association.  The art we now know as Tang Soo Do is a composite style made of 60% Soo Bahk Do and 40% Chinese arts.  It is both a hard and soft style.

In 1960, Grandmaster Robert Cheezic earned black belt #2278 in Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do while stationed in the U.S. Air Force in Korea.  He was promoted by the style’s founder, Hwang Kee. After returning to the United States, Grandmaster Cheezic developed the Cheezic Tang Soo Do Federation which has member schools around the world.  An internationally respected organization, Cheezic Tang Soo Do has a strong foundation of more than 50 years experience in the promotion and instruction of the art of Tang Soo Do Karate.  The Cheezic Tang Soo Do Federation has certified more than 2000 black belts and has more than 40 active masterbelts, all certified by Grandmaster Cheezic.

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